Paxlife Innovations

Advertising Management Module

Automating displays of commercials

Easily grow additional revenue

Public transport operators and authorities are increasingly looking to improve the travel experience or create new sources of revenue. 


The advertising management module empowers operators with the ability to generate additional revenue streams in a highly professional and automated way by showcasing commercials on their fleet of digital screens, whether on-board vehicles or in stations. 


This module can effortlessly integrate with the Passenger Information System (PIS) or operate autonomously, managing the display of advertising messages on a designated set of screens. The central commercial rules defined by the operator and its advertising partners govern the display of these advertisements.

Push advertising campaigns

The primary function of the tool is to create and record advertising campaigns. Allows editing, such as updated schedule, number of impressions or target audience. Provides an overview of booked campaigns; availability preview feature shows available time slots and display locations for a specific campaign.

Optimize the value of your fleet of displays

It is possible to select specific locations or groups of displays for the advertising campaigns, enabling users to precisely target their audience and improve the impact of their campaigns. This allows companies to tailor their advertising strategies to their target market and ensure that their messages reach the right people at the right time.